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(From the Dodge City, Kansas Times, May 12, 1877)

Wm. Meyer, the boneologist, had a runaway last Wednesday. He had put his shoulder to the wheel, as it were, and was hauling bones himself with a hired team. The horses got frightened at some Russian remarks Mr. Meyer got off, and started to run. At every jump they made Meyer sent a volley of Hessian invectives after them, which only served to increase their speed. They stopped a mile up the Arkansas, after running into the water.

The wagon was a total wreck, and Mr. Meyer says he is more than ever inclined to the opinion that cheese made of milk is superior to that which grows on trees, and has decided not to take stock in Dick Evans' bacon quarry. In fact, he has so far lost faith in our Western institutions as to almost doubt the existence of carpet tack trees and snuff mines.

Site author: George Laughead Jr., manager, WWW-VL: United States History network. Thanks to Lynn H. Nelson.

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Site maintained at the University of Kansas. Posted: 24 May 2006